Meet the Characters of Octavia Can Do It! Series


Octavia is a spunky, happy, intelligent little girl who wears her crown with attitude. She loves unicorns, mermaids, and stickers. Octavia thinks she can do anything by herself but finds out that she sometimes needs help. 

She loves to help mama bake in the kitchen while wearing her princess crown. I suspect Octavia secretly thinks she’s a princess.


Ludovic is Octavia’s little brother. He’s a sweet little boy who loves to play with Octavia and Oslo. He also likes to help mama bake in the kitchen whenever Octavia doesn’t take over. His smile melts my heart!


As the mama of a newly born son, Nathanaël, and two active toddlers, every day is an adventure. She organizes their daily activities and teaches them to share, be kind, and respect each other. Mama also empowers them to try new activities and encourages them to ask for help if needed.

Mama (and sometimes papa) read picture books to Octavia and Ludovic as part of their bedtime routine. They engage them to participate by asking questions about the story.

At the end of the day, mama is tired but happy.


Everyone in the family loves Oslo. He’s good-natured and protective of Octavia and Ludovic. He loves to be with them, especially when they are helping mama bake. His unique talent is that he can hear a crumb drop even when he’s asleep.


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